This is an example format file for creating the body of an Email notification message. It supports the same CDML tags that you'd use in an HTML format file except it doesn't have any HTML in it (well, it could, if you really wanted to send HTML files as e-mail messages). The following new record was created in the Employee Database: First Name: [FMP-field: First Name] Last Name: [FMP-field: Last Name] Street: [FMP-field: Street] City: [FMP-field: City] State/Province: [FMP-field: State] Zip/Postal code: [FMP-field: Postal code] Home Phone: [FMP-field: Home Phone] Employee Number: [FMP-field: Employee Number] Email: [FMP-field: Email] Home Page: [FMP-field: Home Page] Department: [FMP-field: Department] Shift: [FMP-field: Shift] Bonus Plan: [FMP-valuelist: Bonus Plan][FMP-valuelistitem][/valuelist]